The negotiations for the 2022 season have come to an end! Ricardo Phoelich will partner with GelmersMotorsport for the 2022 season.
Ricardo: ”After I came into contact with Jeroen Gelmers, we started testing with the new Gelmers Yamaha quad. During the first test, the feeling was immediately really good from the start. After having completed a number of training sessions, we were both left with a positive impression and reached an agreement shortly afterwards. In the coming weeks, there will be several more tests and training to make the switch your own.”

In the meantime, the people of GelmersMotorsport are working hard to get the new quad ready on a short term. In a few weeks, Ricardo will appear at the starting gate with Gelmersmotorsport material. We will keep you posted, and wish Ricardo good luck in 2022, both nationally and internationally.